Laboratory Staff of Postharvest and Food Process Engineering Laboratory :

Head of Laboratory :

Rini Yulianingsih, S.TP., MT. (NIP. 19740717 200812 2 002)

Lecturer :

  1. Ir. Nur Komar, MS. (NIP. 19540405 198103 1 002)
  2. Dr. La Choviya Hawa, S.TP., MT. (NIP. 19780307 200012 2 001)
  3. Dr. Yusuf Wibosono, S.TP., M.Sc. (NIP. 19800107 200212 1 003)
  4. Dewi Maya Maharani, S.TP., M.Sc. (NIK. 871025 10 2 0243)
  5. Yusron Sugiarto, S.TP., MP., M.Sc. (NIP. 19840201 201212 1 002)
  6. Shinta Rosalia Dewi, S.Si., M.Sc. (NIK. 861218 10 12 0 326)
  7. Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc

Assistant lecturer :

  1. Nimatul Izza, S.TP., MT.
  2. Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., MP.

Laboratory staff :

  1. Ir. Supriyono